VO2 & Lactate Profiling

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A laboratory-based Physiology test that is normally only available in large research facilities or elite sports institutes. We are fortunate to have the facilities & expertise in North Devon. Ben Cox who holds a master’s degree in Sport & Health Science, specialising in endurance physiology, will support endurance enthusiasts who are looking for a comprehensive approach to training by providing training zones & pathways to improve both speed & endurance.

Increasing physical effort requires additional oxygen consumption to produce the necessary energy from burning carbohydrates & fats with the production of Carbon Dioxide. There is a maximum level of oxygen consumption (VO2 Max) beyond which increased exercise intensity cannot increase oxygen utilization, this level reflects the aerobic fitness of an individual and although influenced by age and genetics it can be improved by a structured training plan.

Anaerobic metabolism occurs at high exercise intensity when the aerobic capacity is exceeded, acidosis develops causing muscle discomfort and fatigue, associated with a rise in blood Lactate levels. 

By measuring VO2 in conjunction with Lactate levels & pulse rate we can build up an accurate picture of a client’s metabolic status during exercise, allowing the production of a personalised training plan to maximise improvement in performance. Being able to exercise for longer at a reduced energy cost.

The testing is done on a Woodway treadmill (Runners), a Daum Cycle Ergometer (Cyclists) or a Concept Erg (Rowers) with an increasing workload until exhaustion. Lactate levels are obtained by skin-prick at regular intervals during the test.

A facemask is fitted to allow continuous gas analysis utilizing Metalyser-Sport equipment which is calibrated prior to each test. Heavy exertion should be avoided 24 hrs prior to your test & no food consumed within three hours of testing. 

The test report will provide you with accurate training zones & advice regarding any movement disorders observed during the test.